Place a rubber band around an open paint can to wipe your brush on, and keep paint off the side of the can 將橡皮筋或塑膠繩捆住已打開的油漆(顏料)桶, 用來篩刷油漆(顏料),避免油漆(顏料)沾擦到桶的邊緣 Use a staple remover to save your fingernails when trying to add things to your key ring! 用釘書針的拔針器撐開鑰匙圈 以便增減東西,避免傷到手指頭 Put wooden spoon across boiling pot of water to keep from boiling over 將一隻木質的湯匙放在鍋上(如圖),以防滾燙的水越過鍋緣 Use bread clips to save flip-flops with split holes 當人字拖鞋底破損時,以麵包夾夾住以頂住裂縫 How to put shoes in the dryer 如何將球鞋放入烘衣機烘乾 Use sunglasses or a small convex mirror to avoid people sneaking up on you while wearing headphones at work 當戴著耳機工作時,利用太陽眼鏡或凸鏡來反射影像, |
2012年8月3日 星期五
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